Private acting coaching via on-camera workshops (online or in person) is specifically designed for the individual actor’s needs. Topics may include:
- Audition technique
- Self tapes
- Nailing sitcoms (even if you don’t think you’re funny)
- Mastering commercials
- The essential questions to ask yourself before every audition
- How to do your best work even when there’s no time to prepare
- How to cry on cue
- The art of networking
- Improvisational tools
- What makes someone a star
- How to get inside a character that is nothing like you
- Letting the camera do its job so you can do yours
- The business of acting
- Creating your own projects
- Overcoming self-sabotage, performance anxiety, and procrastination.
Private life coaching topics are more centered on personal challenges that can negatively effect an actor’s progress towards their performance and career goals. Topics may include:
- Ending performance anxiety, self-sabotage and procrastination
- Conquering competition, criticism, and rejection
- Increasing your self-esteem and confidence
- Setting and manifesting your goals
- Managing your time and money more effectively
- Creating a more balanced life
- Creative visualization
- Meditation for people who hate to meditate
- Anchoring success through neuro-linguistic programming
- Quitting bad habits (smoking, drinking, gambling etc.)
- Reawakening Inspiration and Spirituality